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2024 Legislative Agenda

The action needed this year to Keep CT's Climate Promise

Urgency & Accountability: Update the Global Warming Solutions Act

Update Emission Reduction Targets

  1. net-zero by 2050 emissions target

  2. interim benchmark reduction targets

  3. sector-specific goals for transportation, buildings, and electricity

Establish Accountability for Meeting Necessary GHG Reductions

  1. state agencies and other administrative bodies must incorporate climate impacts into their decision-making

  2. offset emissions when agency action results in increased emissions

Expand Renewable Energy Deployment

  1. accelerate the pace and scale of distributed energy resources such as rooftop solars

  2. establish targets and expand the NRES (Commercial), RRES (Residential) and SCEF (Community) programs

  3. address battery storage needs

Ultra Efficient Buildings: Heat Pump Deployment and Building Electrification

  1. develop heat pump targets

  2. create innovative financing programs, such as no-or low-interest loans for zero-emission heating equipment and necessary electrical upgrades to help accelerate the transition to electric heat pumps and water heaters

  3. establish zero-emission networked geothermal heat pump pilots for community heating and cooling

Save Energy, Save Money, Save Jobs: Invest in Home Energy Solutions-Income Eligible (HES-IE) Programs

  1. This year, energy efficiency programs faced a $27 million shortfall; funds from the 2024 program budget were borrowed, leaving a hole again next year. The lack of consistent and sufficient funding means that far fewer efficiency upgrades are made and threatens the efficiency workforce with uncertainty. Increased funding is needed to ensure optimal deployment of energy efficiency upgrades in the state, and funding should be devoted to workforce recruitment and training to ensure a robust energy efficiency workforce in Connecticut.

CT Coalition for Climate Action

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